Thursday, May 04, 2006

This Weekend's Movies

Oops, I forgot to include "Ask the Dust" in last week's roundup. Not that anyone read it, anyway.

Here's what's on tap at the theaters this week. I might actually see one of them.

  • "An American Haunting": I do love seeing Sissy Spacek on the big screen, but not for this. One thing I won't miss a bit is having to see faux-scary PG-13 flicks.

  • "Hoot": The trailer makes this family-friendly film look fairly appealing, and it took me until this week to realize the lead actor was the younger brother on the WB's "Jack and Bobby." This might have been one that snuck up on me, but it's not one I'm going to pay to see. Maybe -- maybe -- on DVD. But it loses points for having a Jimmy Buffett soundtrack. Yuck.

  • "Mission: Impossible III": I'm actually surprised how much I really want to see this movie. The trailer bugs the shit out of me, mostly because I'm sick to death of Crazy Tom Cruise and his patented Steely Gaze of Pissed-Off-itude. But I can look past that because I'm dying to see how J.J. Abrams ("Alias," "Lost") reinvents the franchise, and I love that Keri Russell is getting her big-screen break. I'll probably go during the afternoon next week.

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